Childhood vaccines have been strongly debated in the media
recently, both positively and negatively.
The National Vaccination Information Center (NVIC) has
posted billboards in Tucson, Arizona; Chicago, Illinois; and Austin, Texas
urging parents to check the risk of vaccinations. The non-profit organization
believes there are gaps in science and that vaccines can be risky. The
billboards were placed in states currently discussing vaccine exemptions.
Arizona is one of twenty states that allow vaccination
exemption for personal beliefs. A bill recently failed in the legislature that
would have required parents to get a doctor’s signature before exempting
children from vaccination. Kathy Malking of the Pima County Health Department
believes parents should be informed, but finds fault with the billboards and
NVIC website. “It [the website] focuses on all the negatives of vaccines and
doesn’t talk about any of the positive aspects and how vaccines have saved many
lives,” she states.
Many websites and blogs spread misinformation, encouraging
parents not to vaccinate their children. From Natural News to VacTruth, just
running a google search on childhood vaccines brings up many anti-vaccination
VacTruth published a blog post in April that stated the
media uses propaganda to condition people to accept vaccines. VacTruth claims
that pharmaceutical companies use propaganda and pay doctors to sell drugs,
including vaccines. VacTruth goes on to state that the polio vaccine had little
to do with the decline of polio. Unfortunately, VacTruth did not use any
scientific research or studies as references for their blog post, the entire
post was fueled by propaganda and anti-vaccine sources.
Greeting Cards
For the past eighteen years, Hallmark has run the “For America’s Babies” program, printing personalized greeting cards for new parents
that include a detachable growth chart and immunization schedule. In a new
addition to the program, Hallmark teamed up with twenty-seven state governors,
and the cards now come from the governor, urging parents to vaccinate their
The immunization schedule in the cards reflects the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) current recommendations. Hallmark pays
for printing the cards in English and Spanish, and taxpayer dollars fund the
small cost of distributing the cards to hospitals. Hospitals can choose whether
or not to participate in the program.
The Florida greeting card is sent by Governor Scott and his
wife Ann, and reads:
“Congratulations on the birth of
your new baby! As you grow together in family and community, we encourage you
to build your baby’s healthy imagination through reading and your baby’s
healthy life through immunizations.”
In 2010, Florida ranked second for the percentage of
children up to date on immunizations at 80%.
Vaccine Watch encourage parents to carefully consider all
media they see and read about vaccines. Consult your pediatrician with
questions about vaccines, as media like billboards and websites often only
present one side of the argument.
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