The anti-vaccine movement has been around as long as
vaccines. While most people associate the anti-vaccine movement with the linking
of vaccines to autism, this wasn’t the first protest of vaccines.
In the 1800s, countries began mandating smallpox vaccines
for children. While many rushed to vaccinate their children, substantial
numbers of people also refused to be vaccinated. After a huge protest in Leicester, England in 1885 the
Vaccination Act of 1898 gave parents the choice to conscientiously object to
Evidence shows that vaccine laws increase the number of
people that are vaccinated and decreases the rate of disease. After the measles
outbreak in Wales, more people are arguing for mandatory vaccination. Others
argue that in countries where vaccination rates are relatively high, educating
and gently persuading parents to vaccinate their children may be a better
Researchers from the UC Davis Health System, the Monroe
County New York Department of Public Health, the University of Rochester Medical Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found
that elementary schools offering flu vaccination programs can increase the
vaccination rate.
A 13.2 percent increase in vaccination rates was found in
children who had access to school-located vaccination clinics. Byung-Kwang Yoo of UC Davis was lead
author of the study and noted, “Primary care practices may not have the
capacity to vaccinate all U.S. children against seasonal influenza. If the
CDC’s recommendations were followed, primary care offices would have to
accommodate 42 million more patient visits during the five-month window for
each flu season. Our goal is to find ways to ensure that the best prevention is
as accessible as possible.”
Oregon State University conducted a study that found
children in school and young adults do most of the flu transmission.
Researchers noted there is a huge value in vaccinating more children and young
adults for the flu by limiting the cycle of transmission. They also recommended
vaccinating children at school.
In 2009, the Loyola University Medical Center in Illinois
adopted mandatory influenza (flu) vaccination as a condition of employment. A
multidisciplinary task force created the policy and presented their results at
the 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology in June. In addition to the new policy,
educational materials like videos were also created for hospital staff and
volunteers on the importance of vaccination.
Dr. Jorge Parada is a professor of medicine at Loyola and
author of the study and has been working with the policy since 2008.
“Near-universal flu immunization is achievable and sustainable with a mandatory
vaccination policy,” Dr. Parada said. “Our employees and associates now
understand that this is the way we do business. Just as construction workers
must wear steel-toed boots and hard hats on job sites, healthcare workers
should get a flu shot to work in a hospital. We believe that patient and staff
safety have been enhanced as a result.”
Loyola was one of the first hospitals in the nation to adopt
the mandatory flu shot policy and other hospitals have followed. Over 65
hospitals in North Carolina require doctors, nurses and vendors to be
vaccinated for the flu. The vaccine debate will likely continue, and Vaccine
Watch urges those with concerns to seek education from their primary care
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